Yellowknife IV: Last Day and Night

View from Yellowstone's Pilot Monument

Yellowknife sure wanted to leave a good impression on my last day and night there! We had a wonderful sunny day, almost no wind, and temperatures up to 16 °F / -9 °C. As I didn’t have that many pictures from the night before to go through, I decided to spend some time enjoying the weather and getting some daylight pictures of Yellowknife as well. The shot above shows the view from the Pilot Monument over some of Yellowknife’s Old Town out over the North Arm of the Great Slave Lake. Also a great spot to shoot the lights, but only if temperatures and wind permits…

When I checked the forecasts later in the afternoon, they actually weren’t too bad: moderate solar activity. And the skies sure did light up last night! That was my best northern lights night yet! The aurora was not just some cloudlike whitish mass only revealing its green light to the camera. It did show some greenish and even reddish tones and you could even see it dance and flicker across the night sky! What a great spectacle!!! I stayed outside as long as temperatures permitted (-1 °F / -17 °C).

I got almost two hours of sleep before I had to get to the airport. I am kind of amazed at with how little sleep I still function. Not at my best probably, but there is time to catch up with my night’s rest this weekend. I am posting this from Edmonton airport where I have a five hours layover. I will go through the rest of my photographs hopefully some time this weekend (should I not spend it sleeping non-stop…) and will post a little more then. So I close this with a hearty thank you to Yellowknife, the wonderful people there who have made me feel like being at home, and the solar winds for being just strong enough to lightening up the sky so beautifully!

Yellowknife II: Wonderful Sunrise over Great Slave Lake

A wonderful sunrise over Great Slave Lake

Yesterday started with a great view: the Sun rising early in the morning over the North Arm of Great Slave Lake. It was a rather crisp morning as temperatures had dropped to -17 °F / -27 °C during the night but “rose” to 9 °F / -13 °C later in the day. While I got up early, I decided to have a quiet day and rest some to be fit for next night’s photo shoot. I went through yesterday’s photos; quite a few didn’t turn out too bad. But I had a few more ideas for my next aurora shoot as well.

Unfortunately however what had been only a few scattered clouds turned into a fully cloudy sky in the evening and all the sparkling stars disappeared one by one. I stayed up late anyway as I was hoping to still get a chance for a couple of shots. I didn’t mind a few clouds, but the aurora of course needed to be visible. And I really wanted to get the Moon into the picture as well. That was one of the images in my mind when I planned this trip: the polar lights dancing across the night sky with the Moon watching. I should have stayed up a little longer the night before as the Moon back then had risen in time for the aurora, but after having traveled all day and with it being really cold, that had been just a little too much for me. Moonrise last night was at 00:51, still a good time to catch the lights as well, weather permitting. But weather didn’t permit and I finally went to bed regretting I hadn’t made the shot the night before.