Thoughts About the World as It Is… or Could Be (3): Music—Aaron Howard

Running, 2015.(…) music heard so deeply
That it is not heard at all,
but you are the music
While the music lasts.”

T. S. Eliot, The Dry Salvages, 1941, V

So much is happening right now that I don’t get around writing about my photography anymore. But I will come back to that, I promise, I already have a few topics on my mind. And I really have to share this with you, my latest addiction. It is music and one singer/songwriter in particular: Aaron Howard. I’ve been listening to his songs almost without pause for the last few days. As I said, addiction. But his music is simply wonderful; songs of life and love. When I listened to Aaron’s songs for the first time, they already seemed so familiar to me. I don’t know if it’s the melodies, the lyrics, his voice—probably the whole package—, but his music goes straight to my heart. Even when I am not actually listening, his music is still with me when a line from his songs suddenly crosses my mind or I catch myself humming one of his melodies. I hope Aaron will continue writing and singing and simply making wonderful music. I believe nobody can sing the way he does without it coming from the depth of their heart.

So, be sure to check Aaron’s music out. You can listen to his latest album “Heart on Fire” on his webpage. And if you like what you hear, and I am sure you will, please spread the word and like/follow him on Facebook and Twitter. Aaron’s songs would also make a great Christmas present for a friend or a loved one; you can download his music or buy a hand-signed CD from his webpage. Go on, listen and enjoy!