Sneak Preview of ‘Sun and Moon’ Now on Wattpad

Gabriele Golissa's Wattpad-profile

My latest book Sun and Moon / Sonne und Mond will be published in early December. Very exciting! I decided to put a few chapters on Wattpad, both in English and in German, and more will follow in the next weeks. So if you’d like to take a look at the Wattpad-stories, you can do that here.

byGG and ‘Skies/Himmel’ on Wattpad

@byGabrieleGolissa on Wattpad“Kids these days, eh? Always wandering around with their noses in their iPhones, up to no good. Well, maybe not. Because lots of them are using an app called Wattpad which might just be the biggest revolution in reading you’ve never heard of.”
—David Gaughran, What’s Up With Wattpad, 2012

Any Wattys here? I have to admit I had been one of the people who had never heard of Wattpad until a little while ago. When I took a closer look though, I sort of liked the idea. A platform not only for reading but also for writing and sharing. And while there certainly is a lot of teen and fan fiction on Wattpad, they also provide access to thousands of Project Gutenberg’s eBooks.

I am not really sure yet if Wattpad makes sense for the kind of books I publish: not so text-heavy but with a lot of photographs. And most Wattys read on their cell phones while I think cell phone screens way too small to really enjoy my photographs. Also, when I publish eBooks, they have a fixed layout and are not reflowable. But as Wattpad lets you insert photos, I decided to give it a try anyway. And to find out what Wattys think about my stories and if they will follow me on my journeys through the skies…

I have started with uploading chapters from Skies/Himmel and more will follow. If you’d like to take a look, you can check it out here: